Capsule dump
  • Where most (likely all) of the capsules sent through the pneumatic tube end up.
  • Presumably all capsules from The Pearl end up here.
  • The tube extends out from under the ground, and a large pile of message containers, hundreds, litter the outdoor area.
  • Many, if not all, contain a black and white logbook.
  • It appears that none of the logbooks, all filled and quite likely written by subjects in The Pearl, and possibly other yet-to-be-discovered locations, were ever studied.
  • Locke's copy of the Blast Door Map ended up here, proving that items from The Pearl can arrive in this location.
  • Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley were led here by Michael in "Live Together, Die Alone, to be ambushed by The Others.


  • Notice in the location image provided that the capsules are not logically positioned based on the position of the pneumatic tube. If they were released from the tube, the highest point would be below the tube in a mountain shape. Various hills and valleys of capsule piles would not exist.
    1. it is possible the pneumatic tube dispenser moves around, which explains the various pile tops (though not likely due to the tube being fixed to a concrete pad in the ground).
    2. it is possible that someone/something is tasked with ensuring the capsules are moved over from the dispenser in a timely fashion
    3. it is possible, but improbable, that weather conditions adjusted the shape of the capsule piles.
    4. it is possible that the tubes come out with extreme force and bounce several times before coming to a rest, creating this modified bell curve pattern on the grass.
    5. it is possible this is an oversight on the part of the set designers.
  • It is possible that not only tubes from The Pearl has ended up at this location. There might be other stations on the island from where some of the tubes were sent.
    • It is possible that other hatches on the island were used to observe other hatches in the same vein as The Pearl.
  • At one time, the Dharma people collected the tubes, but after the incident, the Pearl became an experiment and the Swan became real.
  • The illogical piles may indicate an intention to read and collect the notebooks. Why would DHARMA waste so many resources (capsules, notebooks) on something which won't be examined. If The Pearl is an experiment (or just an observations station) the contents of the notebooks would be important to the study.