
Hunter is the name of the pilot. This was revealed in Exodus in two scenes - one was deleted and is included on the Season 1 DVDs. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Dissonance (talkcontribs) .

It's definitely not mentioned in the episode itself. Do you have a reference for this anywhere? --Minderbinder 14:48, 2 November 2006 (PST)

Check the S1E25 - Exodus (Part 3) Transcript. The part where Hurley is arriving at the gates. The Gate Attendant clearly says "Hunter, this is Jenna, we've got one more... ta." This is again proven on the deleted scene from the Season 1 DVDs, where Claire is talking to the pilot and he introduces himself as 'Hunter', though I'm not sure if the deleted scenes can be counted. ~Dissonance

In the deleted scene he doesn't say his name is Hunter. When a Gate Attendant calls the plane they usually don't speak to the pilot, most of the time it is a flight attendant or the co-pilot.--CaptainInsano 15:10, 2 November 2006 (PST)
Ah, you're right - I just pulled out my DVD set and rewatched it, just to be sure. :P Sorry about the misunderstanding, I also think the article should be deleted ~Dissonance

I've put the article up (was it deleted before?). Anyway he (or she) is a legitimate character--Kivipat


Hunter should merge with Male Flight Attendant. The male flight attendant and JD were the only male flight attendants on the plane so the male flight attendant is possibly Hunter. Also the male flight attendant is seen in "Exodus, Part 2" watching over the entrance to the plane. Therefore Jenna would likely call the person at the entrance. --Ryan76el 03:44, 15 June 2008 (PDT)

This is just the discussion on the Male Flight Attendant page in another incarnation. Discuss it there. --Nickb123 (Talk) 07:17, 4 July 2008 (PDT)