
The Pearl Orientation Video is The Pearl's counterpart to the Swan Orientation Film. It is a video because it is played on a Sony U-Matic video tape, rather than a filmstrip with a projector.

The video talks about the duties of The Pearl. It is station Five of Six of the Dharma Initiative, and is a monitoring station. The other stations have hidden cameras installed in them, and for three weeks, the inhabitants of The Pearl will monitor the staff of the other stations and make records in notebooks for eight hour shifts. When a notebook is filled in a message tube, it is to be placed into a suction chute where it is sent directly to 'us'.

At the end of the three week tour-of-duty, the Pearl staff are to make their way to the ferry for transport back to the barracks. However, this part of the orientation video is slightly garbled, and this information may change on further review.

