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"My Conversation", by Slim Smith and The Uniques, is a song featured in "Tutti odiano Hugo", where it was heard on both the record player in the Swan, as well as being hummed by Rose. The group is a standard in the Jamaican "rocksteady" repertoire. "My Conversation", along with "The Beatitude", are two of their biggest hits.
All I need from you
is a good conversation, conversation
'cause it gives me
sweet inspiration
And to tell you
I never felt this way before
I know there is someway today
love your brothers
love your sisters
And to tell you I
must admit you've got me thinking
there were times I thought that
I was thinking
But I always want to be
in that position
where I can see more clearly
Now I must admit that
you've got me thinking
love your brothers
love your sisters
And to tell you I
must admit you've got me thinking
there were times I thought that
I was thinking
But I always want to be
in that position
where I can see more clearly
Now I must admit that
you've got me thinking