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Find 815
Find815 3
v d m
CapitoliIndiziSito web
Personaggi:   Sam Thomas · Sonya · Tracey R · Madre di Sam · Mr. Ockham · Oscar Talbot · Altri...
Compagnie: Oceanic Airlines · The Maxwell Group · Austral Air
Luoghi: Faglia di Sunda · Roccia Nera

Video diario[]

"Well, I'm still here. I couldn't convince the captain to let me off, so it looks as though I'm in for the long haul. Mind you, I think it may be worth hanging around - a few things could come up. I now know that Talbot is working for The Maxwell Group - the same people who have been sending me these emails. Unfortunately, it seems that no one told Talbot I was joining the expedition. He won't be telling me what he knows any time soon. But at least I know I'm on the right track. Speaking of which, I finally worked out what those cryptic emails were about. See, within all those numbers were coordinates - longitude and latitude. I don't know where they point to yet but I'll check it out on Talbot's chart plotter. I mean, I'll have to hack in, but that'll be a piece of cake. Sonya would hate all this sneaking around. She always liked things out in the open. If something was on her mind, she'd want to bring it up. And she expected me to do the same, which I hated. I mean, sometimes you just don't know what's on your mind. I suppose it brought me out of my shell. I just miss her. Having her there to talk to. Get things off my chest. But it's been good... good to have something to do. You know, less thinking. Yeah. Anyway, I'd better get back to work."

Immagini nascoste nel video[]


Appare un immagine nascosta nel video che mostra dei caratteri in alfabeto braille. Dopo si scoprirà un ulteriore indizio il 21 gennaio e, messo in correlazione con l'alfabeto braille, darà la password corretta per aprire l'immagine dello stegosauro trovata il 17 gennaio


Un ulteriore immagine nascosta mostra la figura (in negativo) di James Clerk Maxwell, il quale era già stato cercato precedentemente nel browser di Sam.

Capitolo 3 completo[]


Il capitolo è ora completo

Cliccando sul lato destro dello schermo il pulsante "My Progress", tutti gli indizi per completare il capitolo risultano trovati.

Indizi di Find 815
StoriaIndizi per dataSito web
Capitoli Capitolo 1 (28/12 - 6/01)Capitolo 2 (7/01 - 11/01)Capitolo 3 (12/01 - presente)
Indizi per data 28 dic31 dic1 gen2 gen3 gen4 gen5 gen6 gen7 gen8 gen9 gen10 gen11 gen13 gen14 gen15 gen16 gen17 gen18 gen