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Lostpedia Italia
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Ben's diary is a journal of events that Benjamin Linus keeps in a leatherbound composition book and carries with him even when he travels. It was first seen at his desk in his personal tent in "Attraverso lo Specchio, prima parte". It appears to be an extensive account, written in longhand.

Interpreted text[]

* - illegible words


The left diary page text

The time is no doubt approaching when
we will have to embark on a wholesale
re-evaluation of the facilities and much
of our Island infra-structure.
This was going to have to happen at
any rate (although (J) by his very na-
ture does not give it much thought)
but recent changes and interruptions *
have * caused our re-supply
* * * * * * *
* * * sustainment plans *(*
* * * them? I don't * *
*!) may have to be *
* * * * * *
* * * * *


The right diary page text

4/12 An important meeting tonight with
(R) and (M) regarding the developing situation.
We are now in day 3 of our exodus from
the village and I am, I fear, at the limit
of my tactical resources. (J)’s agenda,
which I don’t question, is however a hurried
and difficult one and I could well wish
we’d had time to prepare, not merely
for the military strike, but for a prolonged
campaign in the bush. We are short on
provisions (seasonal) and, more importantly,
the long-awaited re-supply of camp gear
having been missed (and so narrowly!) and
just as our water supply routes have been
cut off, we look like a very sad sort of
antique army. Morale, I have to say, is not
as low as the circumstances might *.
Yet, for all that, I feel apprehensive

The names are written only with initials which are put in circle. Possible full names are R-Richard, M-Mikhail and J-Jacob.


See also[]

  • Claire's diary
  • Janelle's diary

External links[]
