"Pilota, seconda parte"
"Tabula rasa"
"La caccia"
"Il coniglio bianco"
"La casa del Sol Levante"
"La falena"
"Il truffatore"
"Un figlio"
"Il mistero della valigetta"
"Ragione e sentimento"
"Deus Ex Machina"
"Il bene superiore"
"In fuga"
"Esodo, seconda parte"
"Gli altri 48 giorni"
"Storia di Kate"
"Il Salmo 23"
"Linea di confine"
"Tutta la verità"
"Due per la strada"
"Tre minuti"
"La ballerina di vetro"
"Per via aerea"
"Una di noi"
"Attraverso lo Specchio, prima e seconda parte"
"The Deal"
"Buried Secrets"
"Jack, Meet Ethan. Ethan? Jack"
"L'inizio della fine"
"Morte accertata"
"Ji Yeon"
"Casa dolce casa, prima parte"
"Casa dolce casa, seconda parte"
"L'assenza e il vuoto"
"La bomba"
"Questo posto è la morte"
"L'incidente, prima e seconda parte"
"Los Angeles LA X, prima e seconda parte"
"Il faro"
"Il pacco"
"L'ultima recluta"
"Il candidato"
"Quello per cui sono morti"
"La fine"
"Credit Where Credit Is Due" è un pezzo orchestrale della colonna sonora della prima stagione. Viene ascoltata durante vari momenti emotivi durante le varie stagioni. Nelle successive, il pezzo è stato riadattato.
Maggiori apparizioni[]
Following the turbine explosion, the survivors scurry about the wreckage. Jack rests for a moment, and Boone approaches him with pens for the tracheotomy he suggested.
Intera lista apparizioni[]
"Credit Where Credit Is Due" e le sue varianti sono state ascoltate:
- Jack walks among the wreckage. ("Pilota, prima parte")
- Sawyer smokes a cigarette. Hurley organizes trays of food. ("Pilota, prima parte")
- Kate takes shoes from a dead man. Locke eats a mango. ("Pilota, prima parte")
- Kate bathes in the sea while Sun keeps watch. ("Pilota, seconda parte")
- Claire feels the baby kick for the first time since the crash. ("Pilota, seconda parte")
- The marshal's screams bother the passengers. ("Tabula rasa")
- Locke summons Vincent with his dog whistle. ("Tabula rasa")
- Jack tells Kate that their lives before the crash no longer mean anything. ("Tabula rasa")
- Claire gives Sayid his picture of Nadia. Jack comforts Rose. ("La caccia")
- Rose insists her husband is still alive. ("La caccia")
- Claire reads the names of the dead during their mass funeral. ("La caccia")
- Jack visits his father in the morgue. ("Il coniglio bianco")
- Jack opens his father's coffin and discovers the body is missing. ("Il coniglio bianco")
- Jack realizes the survivors could set up camp in the caves. ("La casa del Sol Levante")
- Jack tries to convince Kate to live in the caves. ("La casa del Sol Levante")
- Sun contemplates leaving Jin at the airport. ("La casa del Sol Levante")
- The survivors begin trying to clear the cave-in. ("La falena")
- Jack and Charlie escape the cave-in. ("La falena")
- Sayid exiles himself from the camp. ("Il truffatore")
- Sawyer comes to the golf course. ("Solitudine")
- Charlie, recently returned to camp, thinks about having failed Claire. ("Inseguimento")
- Kate and Sawyer go swimming. ("Il mistero della valigetta")
- Kate watches Sawyer walk away with the Haliburton case. ("Il mistero della valigetta")
- Sawyer drops the case from a height to open it. Kate runs away with it. ("Il mistero della valigetta")
- Jack asks Kate what's in the case after they retrieve its keys. ("Il mistero della valigetta")
- Jack brings Kate the case. ("Il mistero della valigetta")
- Jin gives Hurley a fish. ("Ragione e sentimento")
- Boone cradles a dying Shannon. ("Ragione e sentimento")
- Boone sees that Shannon is alive after all. ("Ragione e sentimento")
- Michael and Susan Lloyd decide to temporarily separate. ("Speciale")
- Charlie reads Claire's diary. ("Speciale")
- Hurley speaks at Scott's funeral. ("Ritorno")
- Sawyer decides not to shoot the boar he's been following. ("Fuorilegge")
- The survivors try to put out the fire on the raft. ("Cambiamenti")
- The survivors leave after Sun reveals she speaks English. ("Cambiamenti")
- Jin visits his father. ("Cambiamenti")
- Jin leaves Sun. ("Cambiamenti")
- Hurley hugs Danielle. ("Numeri")
- Locke pokes his leg to see if he can still feel. ("Deus Ex Machina")
- Injured, Locke assures Boone the Island wants them to open the hatch for a reason. ("Deus Ex Machina")
- Sayid forges a pair of glasses for Sawyer. ("Deus Ex Machina")
- Sayid and Shannon arrive at their picnic site. ("Non nuocere")
- Jack prepares to cut off Boone's leg. ("Non nuocere")
- Boone lets Jack "off the hook" and starts to die. ("Non nuocere")
- Claire gives birth. Boone dies. ("Non nuocere")
- The survivors bury Boone. ("Il bene superiore")
- Jack gets Sun to confessing poisoning Michael's water. ("In fuga")
- Charlie collects messages for his bottle. ("Esodo, prima parte")
- Sayid and Charlie return to camp with Aaron. ("Esodo, seconda parte")
- Shannon visits Boone's grave. ("Abbandono")
- Sawyer collapses. ("Abbandono")
- The tailies deal with the immediate aftermath of the crash. ("Gli altri 48 giorni")
- Eko retrieves dead from the sea. ("Gli altri 48 giorni")
- Ana retrieves Bernard from his tree. ("Gli altri 48 giorni")
- Ana and Goodwin try to build a fire. ("Gli altri 48 giorni")
- Ana cries in the jungle. ("Gli altri 48 giorni")
- Jack removes Sawyer's clothes in the shower. ("Ritrovarsi")
- The survivors hold a funeral for Shannon. ("Storia di Kate")
- Michael talk to Walt on the Swan computer. ("Il Salmo 23")
- The A-Team returns from looking for Michael. ("Linea di confine")
- Charlie sees Locke with Claire. ("Linea di confine")
- Sun's pregnancy test turns out positive. ("Tutta la verità")
- Jack and Kate lead Michael back to the camp. ("Due per la strada")
- Jack paces right after Libby dies. ("?")
- Michael returns to camp. ("Tre minuti")
- Desmond tells Penny about the race he's going on. ("Si vive insieme, si muore soli")
- Claire and Charlie kiss. ("Si vive insieme, si muore soli, seconda parte")
- Sun and Jin embrace in the ocean. ("La ballerina di vetro")
- Danielle tells Kate why she fears meeting Alex. ("Per via aerea")
- Paolo tells Nikki he's glad they lost the diamonds. ("Exposé")
- Jack calls Juliet "one of us." ("Una di noi")
- Charlie learns Claire and Aaron will escape the island. ("Greatest Hits")
- Claire takes Aaron, not noticing Charlie's ring. ("Greatest Hits")
- The survivors prepare to leave for the radio tower. ("Attraverso lo Specchio, prima parte")
- Jack tells Kate he loves her. ("Attraverso lo Specchio, prima parte")
- Alex meets her mother for the first time. ("Attraverso lo Specchio, seconda parte")
- Naomi and the survivors try to get a better signal on the satellite phone. ("Attraverso lo Specchio, seconda parte")
- The survivors see the helicopter, safely on the ground. ("Morte accertata")
- Jin tries to buy a second panda. ("Ji Yeon")
- Daniel begins ferrying passengers to the Freighter. ("Casa dolce casa, prima parte")
- The survivors board the helicopter. ("Casa dolce casa, seconda parte")
- Daniel says goodbye to Charlotte. ("Casa dolce casa, seconda parte")
- Rose and Bernard run at each other, confused. ("L'assenza e il vuoto")
- Daniel tells Richard that he's in love with Charlotte. ("La bomba")
- Sawyer and Jin reunite. ("Questo posto è la morte")
- Jack runs toward Hurley's screams. ("316")
- Flight 316 takes off. ("316")
- La Fleur and Jin discuss their progress searching the island. ("LaFleur")
- The 2007 316 survivors group together. ("Namaste")
- Juliet breaks out of her cuffs. ("L'incidente, prima parte")
- Electromagnetism pulls down the drill at the Swan site. ("L'incidente, seconda parte")
- Jack shows Sun a stubborn tomato. ("Il pacco")
- Jack leaps off the Elizabeth. ("L'ultima recluta")
Variazioni del tema "Credit Where Credit Is Due" includono "Act Now, Regret Later," "Ana Cries," "Booneral," "Can't Kill Keamy," "Departing Sun," "Flying High," "Just Another Day on the Beach," "Just Die Already," "Maternity Hell," "Naomi Phone Home," "Naval Gazing," "Oceanic 815," "The Only Pebble in the Jungle," "Paddle Jumper Reprise e "Sticking to Their Guns."
Lost (Original Television Soundtrack) | |
Soundtrack Stagione 1 • Soundtrack Stagione 2 • Soundtrack Stagione 3 • Soundtrack Stagione 4 Soundtrack Stagione 5 • Soundtrack Stagione 6, Volume 1 • Soundtrack Stagione 6, Volume 2 • Pezzi non-soundtrack | |
"Main Title" • "The Eyeland" • "World's Worst Beach Party" • "Credit Where Credit Is Due" • "Run Like, Um... Hell?" "Hollywood and Vines" • "Just Die Already" • "Me and My Big Mouth" • "Crocodile Locke" • "Win One for the Reaper" "Departing Sun" • "Charlie Hangs Around" • "Navel Gazing" • "Proper Motivation" • "Run Away! Run Away!" • "We're Friends" "Getting Ethan" • "Thinking Clairely" • "Locke'd Out Again" • "Life and Death" • "Booneral" • "Shannonigans" "Kate's Motel" • "I've Got a Plane to Catch" • "Monsters Are Such Innnteresting People" • "Parting Words" • "Oceanic 815" |