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"Jacks Motiv" wird in vielen Szenen gespielt, die Jack betreffen.
Full list of appearances[]
Jack's Motif plays during the following scenes.
- Jack and Sayid torture Sawyer. („Der Betrüger“)
- Kate droht Jason zu erschießen. („Der silberne Koffer“)
- Jack descends into the Hatch. („Glaube und Wissenschaft“)
- Desmond struggles to fix the Swan computer and wonders where he met Jack before. („Orientierung“)
- Jack realizes the guns are gone from the Swan armory. („Langer Atem“)
- At the Line, Jack yells for the Others to show themselves. („S.O.S.“)
- Jack successfully guesses the spinal x-rays he saw are Ben's. („Der Preis des Lebens“)
- Jack mocks Ben for his inoperable tumor. („Ja, ich will“)
- Juliet orders Austen and Ford's return. („Nicht in Portland“)
- Kate, Locke and Sayid see Jack playing football with the Others. („Luftpost“)
- Jack continues playing football and greets Juliet and Ben. („Der Mann aus Tallahassee“)
- Kate and Sun discuss whether Jack now works for the Others. („Tag der Empfängnis“)
- Jack unveils his plan to blow the Others "to hell". („Greatest Hits“)
- Sayid convinces Jack to lead the group to the radio tower. („Greatest Hits“)
- He radios Tom to say he plans to kill him. („Hinter dem Spiegel, Teil 2“)
- Jack notices that Naomi has vanished. („Der Anfang vom Ende“)
- He interrogates Daniel, then walks off in pain. („Konturen der Zukunft“)
- Jack's appendectomy gets complicated. („Die Operation“)
- In a flash forward, Jack takes some pills. („Die Operation“)
- Jack tells Juliet he plans a trek despite his recent surgery. („Die Rückkehr, Teil 1“)
- He then tries journeying alone, leaving Aaron with Kate. („Die Rückkehr, Teil 1“)
- Jack resuscitates Desmond. („Die Rückkehr, Teil 3“)
- Jack tells Ben that someone turned up on his doorstep - Sayid. („Die Lüge“)
- Jack treats Sayid at the hospital. („Die Lüge“)
- Jack calls Kate. („Der kleine Prinz“)
- Ben tells Jack to meet him at the Long Beach marina. („Der kleine Prinz“)
- Jack arrives at Simon's Butcher Shop. („316“)
- Sawyer, Kate and Juliet stop Jack's van. („Der Vorfall, Teil 1“)
- Jack counts to five. („Der Vorfall, Teil 2“)
- Jack smashes the lighthouse mirrors. („Der Leuchtturm“)
- Jack tells Richard to return to the beach. („Dr. Linus“)
- Jack leads his people away from the Man in Black („Der letzte Rekrut“)
- Sawyer flüstert Jack zu, dass er Locke kein bischen traut und fragt ihn, ob er dafür sorgen kann, dass Locke nicht mit an Bord des U-Boots geht. („Der Kandidat“)
- Jack drags Sawyer out of the sinking sub. („Der Kandidat“)
- Jack tells the Man in Black he plans to kill him. („Das Ende, Teil 1“)
"Blessings and Bombs", „Blood From a Locke“ „Cage Crashers“, "Claire-a Culpa", "Dharma vs. Lostaways", "The Final Countdown", "Hold the Phone", "The Lighthouse", "She's Dynamite", „SS Lost-tanic“, „Sub-Primed“, "The Sub Group", "Teaser Time" und "Under the Knife" enthalten Jacks Motiv. Rushin' the Russian und Kate's Motel haben eine ähnliche Struktur.