Lost Wiki
Zeile 138: Zeile 138:
==Act 2==
==Act 2==
[Flash sideways - Hurley and Sayid arrive at the Flightline motel.]
[''Seitwärtsblende ''- Hurley und Sayid halten bei Flightline Motel.]
SAYID: I don't know why you got me out of prison, what you want or who you are. But, you understand, I can't be held responsible for--
'''SAYID''': Ich weiß nicht, warum du mich aus dem Knast holst, was du willst oder wer du bist, aber ich sage dir, ich bin nicht dafür verantwortlich, dass--
HURLEY: Yeah, yeah. Whatever, dude.
'''HURLEY''': Ja, ja, wie auch immer.
[Hurley shows Sayid a tranquilizer gun.]
[Hurley zeigt Sayid ein Betäubungswaffe.]
HURLEY: None of this is ringing a bell, is it? You me, tranquilizer gun?
'''HURLEY''': Klingelt da nicht irgendwas bei dir? Du, ich, Betäubungsknarre?
SAYID: You are insane.
'''SAYID''': Du bist verrückt.
HURLEY: Okay, fine. I'm insane. Just wait here.
'''HURLEY''': Okay, wie du meinst. Ich bin verrückt. Du wartest hier.
SAYID: What if I don't?
'''SAYID''': Und wenn ich nicht warte?
HURLEY: Then, that's your choice. But, if you stick with me...you'll be happy you did.
'''HURLEY''': Dann ist das deine Entscheidung. Aber wenn du bleibst...wirst du später froh sein.
[Hurley knocks on door.]
[Hurley klopft an die Tür von Raum 102.]
MAN: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
'''MANN''': Ja, ja, ja.
[Charlie opens the door with a bottle of alcohol, holding up sign.]
[Charlie öffnet die Tür mit einer Flasche Alkohol in der Hand und hält ein Schild hoch.]
'''CHARLIE''': Da steht ganz deutlich "Bitte nicht stören". Wer bist du? Warum grinst du wie'n Vollidiot?
CHARLIE: "Do not disturb" sign... Who are you? Why you grinnin' like a sodding idiot?
HURLEY: Uh, you have a concert to perform tonight, and I'm here to pick you up.
'''HURLEY''': Äh, du hast heute Abend 'n Auftritt bei 'nem Konzert. Ich bin hier, um dich abzuholen.
CHARLIE: Didn't I make it clear to Widmore's other monkey? I don't care about a sodding concert.
'''CHARLIE''': Hat mich der andere Affe von Widmore nicht verstanden? Interessiert mich nicht, das scheiß Konzert.
HURLEY: Charlie? Charlie, what if I told you that...playing this show is the most important thing you'll ever do? Would you come then?
'''HURLEY''': Charlie? Charlie, was wäre, wenn ich dir sage würde...dieser Auftritt bei Weitem das wichtigste, was du je machen wirst. Würdest du dann mitkommen?
CHARLIE: Sod off.
'''CHARLIE''': Zisch ab.
HURLEY: Okay, dude. Sorry about this.
'''HURLEY''': Okay, Alter. Tut mir echt leid.
[Hurley shoots Charlie with the tranquilizer gun and carries him to his Hummer.]
[Hurley schießt auf Charlie mit der Betäubungswaffe und trägt ihn in seinen Hummer.]
SAYID: What was that?
'''SAYID''': Was war das?
HURLEY: That was Charlie.
'''HURLEY''': Das war Charlie.
[On-Island - Jack, Kate and Hurley are walking through the jungle.]
[''Auf der Insel'' - Jack, Kate und Hurley laufen durch den Dschungel.]
KATE: Why did you take the job, Jack?
'''KATE''': Warum hast du die Aufgabe übernommen, Jack?
JACK: Because I was suppose to.
'''JACK''': Weil ich dazu bestimmt war.
'''KATE''': Wieso? Weil irgendein Fremder unsere Namen an eine Wand geschrieben hat?
KATE: Why? Because some stranger wrote our names on a wall?
JACK: I took it because the island's all I’ve got left. It's the only thing in my life I haven't managed to ruin.
'''JACK''': Nein. Die Insel ist alles, was mir noch geblieben ist. Sie ist das Einzige in meinem Leben, das ist noch nicht ruiniert habe.
'''KATE''': Du hast überhaupt nichts ruiniert. Man kann alles wieder gut machen.
KATE: You haven't ruined anything. Nothing is irreversible.
HURLEY: This would be so sweet if we weren't all about to die.
'''HURLEY''': Das wäre jetzt voll romantisch, wenn wir nicht kurz vor'm Draufgehen wären.
[Sawyer spies on Locke, who is winding a rope - Ben points a rifle at Sawyer and forces him into the open.]
[Sawyer beobachtet heimlich Locke, der ein Seil aufwindet. Ben richtet ein Gewehr auf Sawyer und zwingt ihn zwischen den Büschen hervorzukommen.]
'''BEN''': Wenn du uns schon beobachtest, leiste uns doch Gesellschaft.
BEN: As long as you’re watching, why don't you join us?
LOCKE: What are you doing here, James?
'''LOCKE''': Was tust du denn hier, James?
SAWYER: I heard Desmond fell in the well, so I came to help him get out. [looks into the well] Looks like somebody beat us both to the punch. Oh well.
'''SAWYER''': Naja, Desmond ist in den Brunnen gefallen, da wollte ich ihm raushelfen. [Er schaut in den Brunnen.] Sieht aus, als wäre uns beiden jemand zuvorgekommen. Na sowas.
LOCKE: Do you know why I'm here?
'''LOCKE''': Weißt du, wieso ich hier bin?
SAWYER: I'm guessing you need Desmond to destroy the island.
'''SAWYER''': Du brauchst wahrscheinlich Desmond, um die Insel zu zerstören.
LOCKE: That's absolutely right.
'''LOCKE''': Das ist vollkommen richtig.
SAWYER: Then what, Smokey? You going down with the ship? Suicide doesn't seem like your style.
'''SAWYER''': Und dann, Smokey? Gehst du mit dem Schiff unter? Harakiri passt nicht zu dir.
LOCKE: I'm not going down with anything. But ''you'' and the rest of Jacob's little "candidates", absolutely are.
'''LOCKE''': Ich werde mit gar nichts untergehen, aber du und der Rest von Jacob's "kleinen Kandidaten", ihr geht unter.
SAWYER: We're not candidates anymore.
'''SAWYER''': Wir sind keine Kandidaten mehr.
[Sawyer elbows Ben in the face and takes his rifle.]
[Sawyer rammt Ben seinen Ellbogen ins Gesicht und greift sein Gewehr.]
BEN: Ahh! Ohh! Aah.
'''BEN''': Ahh! Ohh! Aah.
SAWYER: I'll be seein' ya.
'''SAWYER''': Man sieht sich.
BEN: You're not gonna go after him?
'''BEN''': Willst du ihn nicht verfolgen?
LOCKE: I don't need to.
'''LOCKE''': Das brauch' ich nicht.
'''BEN''': Als du sagtest, du willst die Insel zerstören, dachte ich, du meinst das im übertragenem Sinn.
BEN: When you said you were gonna destroy the island, I thought you were speaking figuratively.
'''LOCKE''': Weil ich gesagt hab', du hast das Kommando, sobald ich weg bin? Tut mir leid, wenn ich vergessen habe zu erwähnen, dass die Insel dann auf dem Meeresgrund liegt. Davon abgesehen nehme ich dich gern mit auf mein Boot. Sobald wir's geschafft haben Desmond zu dem zu bewegen, was er tun muss, haue ich von dieser gottverdammten Insel ab und seh' zu, wie sie untergeht. [Er entdeckt Pfotenabdrücke in der Erde.] Ich glaube, hier war ein Hund.
LOCKE: Because I said I'd leave you in charge once I was gone? I'm sorry if I left out the part about the island being on the bottom of the ocean. That being said, you're welcome to join me on my boat. Because once we get Desmond to do, what we need him to do, I'm going to sail away from this godforsaken place and watch it sink. [notices animal prints in the dirt] I think there was a dog here.
[Desmond is at the camp of Rose, Bernard - Vincent awakens him by licking his face.]
[Desmond ist im Camp von Rose und Bernard. Vincent weckt ihn auf, als er sein Gesicht ableckt.]
ROSE: Morning.
'''ROSE''': Morgen.
BERNARD: Morning. Sleep okay?
'''BERNARD''': Morgen. Gut geschlafen?
DESMOND: Aye. Your camp's a lot nicer than the bottom of a well.
'''DESMOND''': Ja. Euer Camp ist um einiges schöner als der Brunnen.
BERNARD: I think I'm gonna go ahead and take that as a compliment.
'''BERNARD''': Ich denke, das darf ich als Kompliment auffassen.
'''ROSE''': Willst du den Mann zuquatschen oder ihm was zum Frühstück besorgen?
ROSE: Are you gonna talk his ear off or get the man some breakfast?
BERNARD: Guess I'll go check the traps for fish... Come on. Vincent. Let's go.
'''BERNARD''': Dann werde ich mal die Reusen kontrollieren. Komm, Vincent. Hierher.
DESMOND: So, Rose, tell me...how long have the two of you been living here?
'''DESMOND''': Also Rose, sag mal...wie lange wohnt ihr zwei schon hier?
'''ROSE:''' Naja, gebaut haben wir das alles 1975 und dann haben wir ein paar Jahre hier gewohnt und dann...fingen wieder diese Lichtblitze an. Also weiß nur Gott allein, ''wann ''zum Teufel wir jetzt gerade sind. Also, Desmond, ich möchte nicht unhöflich sein, aber wenn du gegessen hast, muss ich dich leider bitten zu gehen. Wir haben gegen unsere Regel verstoßen.
ROSE: Well, we built this place in '75 and lived here a couple of years and then the sky lit up again. So God only know when the hell we are now. So...Desmond...I don't mean to be rude, but after you eat, I'm gonna ask you to move on. We broke our rule with you.
DESMOND: What rule is that?
'''DESMOND''': Was für einen Regel?
'''ROSE''': Wir halten uns aus allem raus. Warum auch immer du in diesem Brunnen gelandet bist, das ist die Art Drama, mit der ich und auch Bernard nichts zu tun haben wollten.
ROSE: We don't get involved. Whatever got you tossed inside the well...that's the kind of drama Bernard and I don't want to have anything to do with.
DESMOND: Fair enough.
'''DESMOND''': Versteh' ich.
[Vincent barks, Bernard returns.]
[Vincent bellt. Bernard kommt zurück.]
'''ROSE''': Hey, anscheinend hast du was gefangen!
ROSE: Looks like you caught something.
BERNARD: I'm sorry.
'''BERNARD''': Tut mir leid, ich--
[Locke and Ben walk into camp.]
[Locke und Ben betreten das Camp.]
LOCKE: Hello, Rose... [to Desmond] I'll make this simple. Come with me now or I'll kill them both right in front of you.
'''LOCKE''': Hallo, Rose... [zu Desmond] Ich mache es dir einfach. Komm mit mir, sofort, oder ich töte die beiden vor deinen Augen.
'''ROSE''': Du musst nirgendwo mit ihm hingehen.
ROSE: You don't have to go anywhere with him.
[Desmond looks to Rose.]
[Desmond sieht zu Rose.]
LOCKE: I'll make it hurt.
'''LOCKE''': Und es wird weh tun.
DESMOND: I want your word. You won't touch them--''ever''.
'''DESMOND''': Ich will dein Wort. Dass du sie ''nie ''anfasst. ''Niemals''.
LOCKE: Done.
'''LOCKE''': In Ordnung.
DESMOND: Then I'll do what you want.
'''DESMOND''': Ich tu was du willst.
LOCKE: Yes, Desmond. You ''will''.
'''LOCKE''': Ja, Desmond. Das wirst du.
==Act 3==
==Act 3==

Version vom 9. Januar 2013, 20:55 Uhr


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Staffel 6, Episode 17 - „Das Ende, Teil 1

Geschrieben von: Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse

Regie: Jack Bender

Act 1

[Seitwärtsblende - Flughafen Los Angeles. Fracht, die mit "Christian Shephard" und "menschliche Überreste" gekennzeichnet ist, wird von einer Oceanic Maschine geladen. - Jack sitzt an seinem Schreibtisch im Krankenhaus und betrachtet ein Rötgenbild eines Kopfes.]

[Auf der Insel - Jack wäscht sich im Bach sein Gesicht. Er betrachtet seine zitternden Hände.]

[Seitwärtsblende - erneut die Oceanic Fracht. - Ben hat einen Arm in einer Schlinge und macht sich einen Kaffee.]

[Auf der Insel - Ben lädt Kugeln in ein Magazin während sich Locke ein Seil um den Arm windet.]

[Seitwärtsblende - Locke sieht zu seinem Rollstuhl, als er in den Operationsraum gefahren wird. - Christian Shephard's Sarg wird auf einen Lieferwagen von Oceanic geladen. - Sawyer  sieht auf Arbeit in einen Spiegel auf seiner Polizeiwache.]

[Auf der Insel - Kate, Sawyer und Hurley sind zusammen im Camp. Sawyer untersucht Kate's Wunde.]

[Seitwärtsblende - Der Oceanic Lieferwagen fährt mit Christian's Sarg los.]

[Auf der Insel - Sawyer untersucht weiterhin Kate's Wunde.]

[Seitwärtsblende - Kate sitzt auf dem Beifahrersitz in Hurley's Camaro vor Eloise's Kirche, als der Oceanic Lieferwagen ankommt. Desmond erledigt die Formalitäten mit dem Fahrer.]

DESMOND: Brauchen Sie 'ne Unterschrift?

FAHRER: Arbeiten Sie hier?

DESMOND: Allerdings, Bruder.

FAHRER: Sind Sie Pfarrer oder sowas?

DESMOND: Eher sowas. Würden Sie ihn bitte da rüber bringen?

FAHRER: Ja, mach' ich.

[Desmond hilft dem Fahrer beim Ausladen des Sarges, der ihn dann zur Kirche rollt.]

DESMOND: [zeigt] Da ist der Eingang. Danke.

[Desmond setzt sich ans Steuer des Camaro.]

KATE: Wer ist gestorben?

DESMOND: Ein Mann namens Christian Shephard.

KATE: [kichert] Christian Shephard? Der 'christliche Hirte'?

DESMOND: Ja, so hieß er.

KATE: Ein Freund von dir?

DESMOND: Eigentlich nicht.

[Kate greift nach Desmond's hat, als dieser den Motor starten will.]

KATE: Hey, hey, warte mal! Du holst mich aus dem Knast und lässt mich dieses Kleid anziehen, damit wir auf ein Konzert gehen können und willst mir nicht verraten, warum wir hier sind.

DESMOND: Niemand kann dir sagen, wieso du hier bist, Kate. Ich ganz bestimmt nicht.

KATE: Du hast mich aber hergebracht.

DESMOND: Ich spreche nicht von der Kirche. Ich spreche vom Hier.

KATE: Wer bist du? Was willst du?

DESMOND: Mein Name ist Desmond Hume. Und auch wenn's dir nicht klar ist, ich bin ein Freund. Du fragst, was ich will? Ich will hier weg.

KATE: Hier weg...und wo willst du hin?

DESMOND: Ich werd's dir zeigen.

[Auf der Insel - Kate beobachtet Jack aus einiger Entfernung, der im Wasser steht. Sawyer nähert sich Jack.]

SAWYER: Geht's dir gut?

JACK: Ja. Und dir?

SAWYER: Um ehrlich zu sein, Doc, wüsst' ich gern, was hier überhaupt passiert ist.

JACK: [lacht] Geht mir genauso.

SAWYER: Du bist also der neue Jacob, huh? [Jack nickt] Merkst du schon was?

JACK: Nicht wirklich.

SAWYER: Wie wär's dann, wenn du vom Berg herabsteigst und uns eröffnest, was der brennende Busch dir für 'ne Botschaft vermittelt hat.

[Jack spricht zu der Gruppe um das Lagerfeuer.]

JACK: Jacob hat mir gesagt, wir müssen zu dem Bambuswald hinter unserem alten Camp gehen. Ein wenig dahinter würde ich den Ort finden, den wir beschützen müssen.

KATE: Und was ist dieser Ort?

JACK: Er nannte ihn 'Das Herz der Insel'. Er hat bloß gesagt, es sei ein Licht.

HURLEY: Und das Locke-Rauchmonster-Ding, er will es löschen?

JACK: Sowas in der Art, ja.

HURLEY: Und wenn er's schafft?

JACK: Dann war's das für uns alle.

KATE: Aber...wenn Locke es löschen will, warum hat er's nicht getan?

SAWYER: Dazu fehlt ihm was. Ich schätze mal, das dürfte Desmond sein. Zu ihm wollten wir doch vor deiner Vereidigung. Sayid sagte, Locke hat ihn in einen Brunnen geworfen.

JACK: Mir gegenüber hat Jacob Desmond nicht erwähnt.

SAWYER: Hat er eigentlich irgendwas gesagt?

HURLEY: Hast recht, Alter, der ist schlimmer als Yoda.

SAWYER: Na gut, geht ihr zu eurem Herz der Insel und ich hol' den schottischen Froschkönig aus dem Brunnen.

JACK: Wenn wir 'ne Spur legen, wirst du uns finden?

SAWYER: Na logisch.

JACK: Pass auf dich auf.

SAWYER: Ich würd' dich ja fragen, ob du mich begleitest, aber dann könnte ich dir nicht verbieten, mitzukommen.

KATE: Ich fürchte, ich muss dem Verlangen dir zu folgen sowieso wiederstehen.

HURLEY: Ich hab' kein gutes Gefühl  bei der Sache.

Act 2

[Seitwärtsblende - Hurley und Sayid halten bei Flightline Motel.]

SAYID: Ich weiß nicht, warum du mich aus dem Knast holst, was du willst oder wer du bist, aber ich sage dir, ich bin nicht dafür verantwortlich, dass--

HURLEY: Ja, ja, wie auch immer.

[Hurley zeigt Sayid ein Betäubungswaffe.]

HURLEY: Klingelt da nicht irgendwas bei dir? Du, ich, Betäubungsknarre?

SAYID: Du bist verrückt.

HURLEY: Okay, wie du meinst. Ich bin verrückt. Du wartest hier.

SAYID: Und wenn ich nicht warte?

HURLEY: Dann ist das deine Entscheidung. Aber wenn du bleibst...wirst du später froh sein.

[Hurley klopft an die Tür von Raum 102.]

MANN: Ja, ja, ja.

[Charlie öffnet die Tür mit einer Flasche Alkohol in der Hand und hält ein Schild hoch.]

CHARLIE: Da steht ganz deutlich "Bitte nicht stören". Wer bist du? Warum grinst du wie'n Vollidiot?

HURLEY: Äh, du hast heute Abend 'n Auftritt bei 'nem Konzert. Ich bin hier, um dich abzuholen.

CHARLIE: Hat mich der andere Affe von Widmore nicht verstanden? Interessiert mich nicht, das scheiß Konzert.

HURLEY: Charlie? Charlie, was wäre, wenn ich dir sage würde...dieser Auftritt bei Weitem das wichtigste, was du je machen wirst. Würdest du dann mitkommen?

CHARLIE: Zisch ab.

HURLEY: Okay, Alter. Tut mir echt leid.

[Hurley schießt auf Charlie mit der Betäubungswaffe und trägt ihn in seinen Hummer.]

SAYID: Was war das?

HURLEY: Das war Charlie.

[Auf der Insel - Jack, Kate und Hurley laufen durch den Dschungel.]

KATE: Warum hast du die Aufgabe übernommen, Jack?

JACK: Weil ich dazu bestimmt war.

KATE: Wieso? Weil irgendein Fremder unsere Namen an eine Wand geschrieben hat?

JACK: Nein. Die Insel ist alles, was mir noch geblieben ist. Sie ist das Einzige in meinem Leben, das ist noch nicht ruiniert habe.

KATE: Du hast überhaupt nichts ruiniert. Man kann alles wieder gut machen.

HURLEY: Das wäre jetzt voll romantisch, wenn wir nicht kurz vor'm Draufgehen wären.

[Sawyer beobachtet heimlich Locke, der ein Seil aufwindet. Ben richtet ein Gewehr auf Sawyer und zwingt ihn zwischen den Büschen hervorzukommen.]

BEN: Wenn du uns schon beobachtest, leiste uns doch Gesellschaft.

LOCKE: Was tust du denn hier, James?

SAWYER: Naja, Desmond ist in den Brunnen gefallen, da wollte ich ihm raushelfen. [Er schaut in den Brunnen.] Sieht aus, als wäre uns beiden jemand zuvorgekommen. Na sowas.

LOCKE: Weißt du, wieso ich hier bin?

SAWYER: Du brauchst wahrscheinlich Desmond, um die Insel zu zerstören.

LOCKE: Das ist vollkommen richtig.

SAWYER: Und dann, Smokey? Gehst du mit dem Schiff unter? Harakiri passt nicht zu dir.

LOCKE: Ich werde mit gar nichts untergehen, aber du und der Rest von Jacob's "kleinen Kandidaten", ihr geht unter.

SAWYER: Wir sind keine Kandidaten mehr.

[Sawyer rammt Ben seinen Ellbogen ins Gesicht und greift sein Gewehr.]

BEN: Ahh! Ohh! Aah.

SAWYER: Man sieht sich.

BEN: Willst du ihn nicht verfolgen?

LOCKE: Das brauch' ich nicht.

BEN: Als du sagtest, du willst die Insel zerstören, dachte ich, du meinst das im übertragenem Sinn.

LOCKE: Weil ich gesagt hab', du hast das Kommando, sobald ich weg bin? Tut mir leid, wenn ich vergessen habe zu erwähnen, dass die Insel dann auf dem Meeresgrund liegt. Davon abgesehen nehme ich dich gern mit auf mein Boot. Sobald wir's geschafft haben Desmond zu dem zu bewegen, was er tun muss, haue ich von dieser gottverdammten Insel ab und seh' zu, wie sie untergeht. [Er entdeckt Pfotenabdrücke in der Erde.] Ich glaube, hier war ein Hund.

[Desmond ist im Camp von Rose und Bernard. Vincent weckt ihn auf, als er sein Gesicht ableckt.]

ROSE: Morgen.

BERNARD: Morgen. Gut geschlafen?

DESMOND: Ja. Euer Camp ist um einiges schöner als der Brunnen.

BERNARD: Ich denke, das darf ich als Kompliment auffassen.

ROSE: Willst du den Mann zuquatschen oder ihm was zum Frühstück besorgen?

BERNARD: Dann werde ich mal die Reusen kontrollieren. Komm, Vincent. Hierher.

DESMOND: Also Rose, sag mal...wie lange wohnt ihr zwei schon hier?

ROSE: Naja, gebaut haben wir das alles 1975 und dann haben wir ein paar Jahre hier gewohnt und dann...fingen wieder diese Lichtblitze an. Also weiß nur Gott allein, wann zum Teufel wir jetzt gerade sind. Also, Desmond, ich möchte nicht unhöflich sein, aber wenn du gegessen hast, muss ich dich leider bitten zu gehen. Wir haben gegen unsere Regel verstoßen.

DESMOND: Was für einen Regel?

ROSE: Wir halten uns aus allem raus. Warum auch immer du in diesem Brunnen gelandet bist, das ist die Art Drama, mit der ich und auch Bernard nichts zu tun haben wollten.

DESMOND: Versteh' ich.

[Vincent bellt. Bernard kommt zurück.]

ROSE: Hey, anscheinend hast du was gefangen!

BERNARD: Tut mir leid, ich--

[Locke und Ben betreten das Camp.]

LOCKE: Hallo, Rose... [zu Desmond] Ich mache es dir einfach. Komm mit mir, sofort, oder ich töte die beiden vor deinen Augen.

ROSE: Du musst nirgendwo mit ihm hingehen.

[Desmond sieht zu Rose.]

LOCKE: Und es wird weh tun.

DESMOND: Ich will dein Wort. Dass du sie nie anfasst. Niemals.

LOCKE: In Ordnung.

DESMOND: Ich tu was du willst.

LOCKE: Ja, Desmond. Das wirst du.

Act 3

[Locke, Desmond, Ben walking through the jungle - it is thundering.]

LOCKE: You have any idea where I’m taking you, Desmond?

DESMOND: No. But, I assume it's a place where there's a very bright light.

LOCKE: What makes you say that?

DESMOND: Oh. Just a hunch.

[Locke looks at Ben when he hears radio static.]

LOCKE: What was that?

BEN: What was what?

[Ben turns off his walkie-talkie - scene changes to Miles and unconscious Richard.]

MILES: Linus, can you hear me? Come in...I found Alpert. [Richard stirs] Linus... Damn it! You okay?

RICHARD: What--what--what happened?

MILES: You thought it'd be a good idea to talk to the black smoke. It responded by throwing you into the damn jungle.

RICHARD: Locke--L...is he still here?

MILES: No...I've been trying to get Linus on the walkie, he won't pick up... Come on, let's get you some help.

RICHARD: Help? Help? Help from where? You still have the explosives, the--the C-4?

MILES: Yeah. Why?

RICHARD: Because we need to go the other island to finish what we started. We need to blow up that plane.

[Flash sideways - Museum concert venue - Miles arrives and sees Sayid in Hurley's Hummer - uses his cell phone.]

SAWYER: Detective Ford.

MILES: Jim, it's me...I think I just saw that Jarrah guy.

SAWYER: You at county lockup?

MILES: No, I'm at my dad's museum concert benefit thing.

SAWYER: Well, it can't be Jarrah. I just put him in a van to county an hour ago.

MILES: Really? Because I just called, and they said it never showed up.


MILES: Help me out here, Jim. Jarrah popped four people in cold blood. Only one witness left the scene alive, right? Some Korean woman. Can you make sure she's okay?

SAWYER: Yeah, yeah. Sun Paik. Gunshot wound. She's still over at the hospital. Enjoy your concert, Enos. I'll keep her safe.

[Jin is at Sun's hospital bedside.]

JIN: 좀 어때? [Subtitle: How're you feeling?]

SUN: 좀 쑤시네요. [Subtitle: I'm a little sore.]

JIN: 총 맞으면 다 그래. [Subtitle: That happens when you get shot.] [kisses her forehead] 아이가 괜찮은지 보러 의사가 곧 올거야. 아무 이상이 없으면 바로 떠나도 된대. [Subtitle: There's a doctor coming to look at the baby. If everything's all right, they say we can leave soon.]

SUN: 떠나? 우리 어떻게 해요... 이렇게 아빠로부터 계속 도망쳐요? [Subtitle: Leave? And just keep running from my father?] [door opens]

WOMAN: Am I interrupting? [Juliet, in a doctor's coat enters] Hi...Miss Paik. I'm Juliet Carlson. I'm here to make sure your baby's okay. You must be the daddy. [looks at clipboard] I'm sorry. You don't speak English. I'm...I'll try not to talk too much.

[Juliet sets up an ultrasound machine.]

JULIET: Okay, you lift up your gown a little bit. [applying gel to Sun's abdomen] It's a little cold... Okay. Let's take a look.

[Low magnetic zaps - Sun has visual memories of Juliet performing an ultrasound on her in the medical station on the island - Sun gasps.]

JULIET: You okay?

JIN: 자기야, 괜찮아? [Subtitle: Are you all right?]

SUN: 나... 기억이 나. [Subtitle: I...remember.]

JIN: 무슨 기억? [Subtitle: Remember what?]

JULIET: [pointing to image on screen] There it is. There's your baby.

[Jin and Sun see themselves in several scenes of Island memories when they look at their baby's image on the ultrasound screen.]

SUN: 당신 봤어요? [Subtitle: Did you see?]

[Jin nods and makes a sound in the affirmative.]

JULIET: Do you see that little flutter? Right there? That's the baby's heartbeat. Perfectly perfect in every way. I have your amnio results. Everything checked out. Would you like to know if it's a boy or girl?

SUN: It's a girl.


JIN: Her name is Ji Yeon.

JULIET: That's a lovely name... And for the record, y-you two speak English just fine. Congratulations.

Act 4

[Sawyer runs and meets up with Jack, Hurley and Kate.]


SAWYER: Easy, Bigfoot. It's just me...I found Locke. The son of a bitch said he's gonna destroy the island. You had it right, Doc. Good news is, Desmond got out of that well. So, if we can find him before Smokey can--

JACK: It doesn't matter if we find Desmond or he does, James. We're all going to the same place anyway.

SAWYER: Then what?

JACK: Then it ends.

[The group marches on.]

[Flash sideways - Jack speaks with Locke who is about to be wheeled into the operating room.]

JACK: Hello, Mr. Locke.

LOCKE: Dr. Shephard. Hey, since you're about to open up my back, you can probably start calling me John.

JACK: Okay, John. I thought I'd stop by and say hi before we started the anesthesia. You nervous?

LOCKE: Are you sure this is going to work?

JACK: Yes. I'm very confident that it will.

LOCKE: Really?

JACK: Well, there's always the chance that I could kill you...but, I'm trying to make you feel better.

LOCKE: Okay. Okay, let's do it.

JACK: All right. I'll see you on the other side.

LOCKE: Hey, Doctor, back at L.A.X. when we met at baggage claim, you mentioned that they had lost your father. Did he ever turn up?

JACK: As a matter of fact, I got a phone call this morning. They, uh, they found the coffin.

LOCKE: Oh, good.

JACK: Actually, it might be here already.

LOCKE: Well, I hope that brings you some peace.

JACK: If I can fix you, Mr. Locke, that's all the peace I'll need.

[Richard and Miles put their things in an outrigger and get ready to leave.]

RICHARD: It's gonna be a hell of a storm.

MILES: Welcome to the club. [points at Richard's hair]


MILES: Do you mind?

[Miles picks a hair from Richard's head.]

MILES: Looks like you got your first grey hair.

[Richard takes the hair, looks at it, and smiles.]

MILES: What are you smiling about?

RICHARD: I think I just realized that I wanna live.

MILES: Well, it's good timing.

[Richard and Miles row the outrigger in the ocean. Something hits their boat.]

RICHARD: What was that?

[They discover that it's the body of someone from Widmore's submarine.]

FRANK: Help!

RICHARD: Hey! Miles, up ahead!

[Miles and Richard see Frank in the ocean.]

FRANK: Hey! Wha...

[Miles and Richard rescue Frank.]

MILES: Get him some water.

[Richard gives Frank water.]

FRANK: What are you guys doing out here?

RICHARD: We're going to Hydra island to blow up the plane.

FRANK: What do you want to do that for?

RICHARD: Because the black smoke wants to get off the island. We have to stop that thing from leaving.

FRANK: Well, if we leave, that thing won't have a plane anymore.

RICHARD: And how are we going to do that?

FRANK: In case you haven't noticed, I'm a pilot.

[Locke, Ben and Desmond are walking up a hill. Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley meet them on the way.]

LOCKE: Well, this is gonna be interesting.

[Kate takes Sawyer's rifle, cocks it, and starts shooting at Locke.]

SAWYER: Kate! Kate!

KATE: You killed them!

SAWYER: Kate! [tries to stop her]

LOCKE: You might wanna save your bullets.

[Locke approaches Jack.]

LOCKE: So it's you.

JACK: Yeah. It's me.

LOCKE: Jacob being who he is, I expected to be a little more surprised. You're sort of the obvious choice, don't you think?

JACK: He didn't choose me. I volunteered.

LOCKE: I assume you're here to stop me.

JACK: I can't stop you. In fact, I uh, wanna go with you.

LOCKE: I'm sorry, Jack. I think you're a little confused about what I came here to do.

JACK: No I'm not. No, you're going to the far side of the bamboo forest. To the place that I've sworn that I'll protect. And then you think you're gonna destroy the Island.

LOCKE: [surprised] I think?

JACK: [smiles] That's right. Because that's not what's gonna happen.

LOCKE: Then what's gonna happen, Jack?

JACK: I'm gonna kill you.

LOCKE: How do you plan to do that?

JACK: That's a surprise.

LOCKE: Okay. Then let's get on with it.

Act 5

[Flash sideways - Jack is working at the hospital. He goes to drop off some papers at a desk. Juliet, also working at the hospital, shows up to do the same.]

JULIET: Doctor.

JACK: [smiles] Doctor.

JACK: I didn't know you were working today.

JULIET: I just finished. Did you get the tickets for the concert?

JACK: Yep. Right here. [hands her the tickets]

[David walks towards them.]

DAVID: Hey dad, did you remember the tickets?

JACK: I just gave 'em to your mom.

[Juliet gives the tickets to David.]

DAVID: [looks at the tickets, then looks at Jack] Uh, who's gonna take yours?

JACK: Well, if you don't have anybody else, maybe you could take aunt Claire. I'm sure she'd love to get out of the house.

[David looks at Juliet.]

JULIET: Oh yeah, it's fine with me. In fact I'm very curious to meet this mysterious sister you never mentioned the entire time we were married.

JACK: Well, I'm sure you're gonna love her. She's extremely pregnant.

[Juliet and Jack share a laugh.]

JULIET: Good luck on your surgery, doctor.

[Juliet and David head towards the elevator.]

JACK: Thank you.

JULIET: Did you pick out a tie?

DAVID: I did.

[Elevator door opens. Sawyer walks out of the elevator and towards the reception desk.]

SAWYER: Hi. I'm detective Ford, L.A.P.D.


SAWYER: I'm looking for a patient's room. Sun Paik.

[On-Island - Jack's and Locke's groups are trekking through the jungle.]

SAWYER: Something you wanna share with the rest of us, Doc?

JACK: What's that?

SAWYER: You said you were gonna kill Locke. What's your surprise?

JACK: Desmond.

SAWYER: How's that gonna work?

JACK: I'm not sure yet. I can't believe Jacob would have brought him all the way back to this Island just so Locke could make him destroy it.

SAWYER: So, what, Desmond is bait?

JACK: No. I think he's a weapon.

SAWYER: That's a hell of a long con, Doc.

[They reach the bamboo forest. Locke stops and draws his knife.]

LOCKE: Jack, Desmond. It should just be the three of us from here on.

[Jack nods. Locke holsters his knife. Jack and Desmond start to follow Locke. Hurley approaches Jack.]

HURLEY: Jack. I believe in you, dude.

[Jack nods and leaves.]

[Thunder and rain can be heard as Locke, Desmond and Jack make their way through the forest.]

LOCKE: [looks up] Gonna be a bad one.

[They reach the stream in front of the light cave.]

LOCKE: We're here.

[Locke ties some rope to a tree, Jack ties it to Desmond.]

DESMOND: This doesn't matter, you know.

JACK: Excuse me?

DESMOND: Him destroying the Island, you destroying him. It doesn't matter. You know, you're gonna lower me into that light, and I'm gonna go somewhere else. A place where we can be with the ones we love, and not have to ever think about this damn Island again. And you know the best part, Jack?

JACK: What?

DESMOND: You're in this place. You know, we sat next to each other on Oceanic 815. It never crashed. We spoke to each other. You seemed happy. You know, maybe I can find a way to bring you there too.

JACK: Desmond, I tried that once. There are no shortcuts, no do-overs. What happened, happened. Trust me, I know. All of this matters.

LOCKE: Shall we?

[They go inside the cave. They reach a waterfall which leads to the light.]

Act 6

[Flash sideways - Hurley and Sayid are sitting in a car on the street at night.]

SAYID: What are we doing here?

HURLEY: I'm not allowed to tell you.

SAYID: What do you mean you're not allowed?

HURLEY: There are rules, dude.

SAYID: Whose rules?

HURLEY: Don't worry about it. Just trust me, okay? I trust you.

SAYID: And what, may I ask, have I done to deserve your trust?

HURLEY: I think you're a good guy, Sayid. You know, a lot of people have told you that you're not. Maybe you've heard it so many times you started believing it. You can't let other people tell you what you are, dude. You have to decide that for yourself.

SAYID: I'm sorry. You clearly don't know anything about me.

HURLEY: I know a lot about you, dude.

[They see a man get beat up in an alley behind a bar.]

HURLEY: Looks like a gnarly fight.

[Hurley watches Sayid's reaction.]

SHANNON: Hey, leave my brother alone.

[The attacker pushes Shannon, causing Sayid to get out of the car. He subdues the attacker and helps Shannon up.]

SAYID: Hey, it's alright.

[They both have visions of the time they shared on the Island.]


SAYID: Shannon.

[Boone shows up at Hurley's car.]

BOONE: I just got pounded, man. Thanks for taking your sweet time.

HURLEY: It takes as long as it takes.

BOONE: It was a pain in the ass getting her here from Australia.

HURLEY: Yeah, but dude, it was worth it.

BOONE: Should I go get 'em?

HURLEY: Nah, let's give 'em a minute.

[Shannon and Sayid kiss.]

[On-Island - Hurley, Ben, Kate and Sawyer are waiting at the bamboo forest.]

[Sawyer offers Kate some water. Kate declines.]

[Ben's radio starts making noises.]

MILES: Linus, are you there?

SAWYER: What the hell is that?

BEN: Miles, where are you?

[Miles is on the beach of Hydra Island. Richard is helping Frank out of the outrigger.]

MILES: We just got to Hydra Island. We're on our way to the plane.

BEN: Miles, listen to me. Whatever you do, don't blow up that plane.

MILES: We're not gonna blow it up, we're gonna fly it the hell off the Island. Just get over here now.

FRANK: [looks toward the trees] What in the hell?

[Claire emerges out of the trees.]

MILES: Claire.

KATE: [takes the radio from Ben] Miles, it's Kate. Did you say Claire? Is she okay?

[Claire cocks her rifle and points it at Miles' group.]

MILES: Put the gun down.

[Claire fires two warning shots in their direction.]

CLAIRE: Don't come any closer!

KATE: Miles? Miles, what happened? Miles, are you there?

CLAIRE: He sent you here to kill me, didn't he?

RICHARD: No, listen. We're not with Locke.

CLAIRE: [unconvinced] Why should I believe you?

RICHARD: Because we have a real chance to get far far away from him. We can be free from everything he ever did to us, and never look back. We can go home.

[Claire puts down her gun.]

RICHARD: Will you come with us, Claire?

CLAIRE: [looks sad] No. [walks away]

[Jack, Locke and Desmond are at the waterfall inside the cave.]

LOCKE: All right we...we lower him down nice and easy.

JACK: You know what to do once you get down there?

DESMOND: Aye. I go where the light's brightest.

JACK: Don't get yourself killed.

[They lower Desmond with a rope.]

LOCKE: This remind you of anything, Jack?

JACK: What?

LOCKE: Desmond...going down into a hole in the ground. If there was a button down there to push, we could fight about whether or not to push it. It'd be just like old times.

JACK: You're not John Locke. You disrespect his memory by wearing his face, but you're nothing like him. Turns out he was right about most everything. I just wish I could've told him that while he was still alive.

LOCKE: He wasn't right about anything, Jack. And when this island drops into the ocean, and you drop with it, you're finally gonna realize that.

JACK: Well, we'll just have to see which one of us is right, then.

[The rope goes slack. They both look down the waterfall.]

Act 7

[Flash sideways - Claire, David and Juliet are in line for the benefit concert - Juliet answers a page.]

JULIET: Oh...it's the hospital

DAVID: Go ahead. I'm sure it's important.

JULIET: I'm so sorry. I'll be back as soon as I can. [kisses David on forehead]

DAVID: I know. It's cool. Go.

JULIET: [to Claire] We'll get to know each other better, I hope?

CLAIRE: Yeah, yeah, sure... Well, I, uh, I guess it's just you and me, kid.

[Charlie is asleep on a couch, a woman attempts to awaken him.]

CHARLOTTE: Oi... Wake up. Wake up. Come on. Wake up.

CHARLIE: Hey, What you doin'?

CHARLOTTE: I'm just following the instructions... You're in the band, aren't you?

CHARLIE: How do you know that?

[Charlotte shows Charlie a note "BASS PLAYER WAKE ME UP FOR SHOW".]

CHARLIE: Oh...I was shot by a fat man. [stumbles getting up] It's all right.

CHARLOTTE: [to a man who entered the room] Excuse me... Hey, excuse me. Do you know where the band is?

DANIEL: [stares] I'm sorry. Uh, pardon me?

CHARLOTTE: [pointing to Charlie] I-I think he's in the band.

DANIEL: Yes, yes. Of course. He’s the bass player from Drive Shaft. They're accompanying me tonight. I play piano...I'm Daniel. Daniel Widmore.

[They shake hands.]

CHARLOTTE: I'm Charlotte.

DANIEL: It's a great pleasure to meet you, Charlotte.

CHARLOTTE: You, too.

[Outside, Claire and David make their way to a table.]

CLAIRE: Well, lead the way.

DAVID: Excuse me. Is this table 23?

DESMOND: Aye, indeed it is.

[Claire is shocked to see who's sitting there.]

KATE: Claire.


DESMOND: You two know each other?

MAN ON MICROPHONE: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention, please? Welcome to this very special benefit concert for the Golden State Natural History Museum. I'm Dr. Pierre Chang. [applause] Thank you. I think we have quite a special evening ahead of us. [camera pans to Eloise in audience] So, let's get to it, shall we? It is my pleasure to introduce you to Mr. Daniel Widmore accompanied by Drive Shaft.

[Cheering and applause as musicians take the stage - Charlotte is seated with Miles - Charlie is mesmerized when he sees Claire - she grabs her belly in response to discomfort.]


DAVID: You okay?

CLAIRE: Yeah, yeah. I'm just--I'm just gonna use the bathroom. I'll--I'll be right back...

[Kate follows Claire - Desmond stares knowingly.]

[On-Island - At the bottom of the waterfall, Desmond finds a chamber after passing skeletons - he comes to a bright pool of water into which flows water - there is a large, engraved stone in the center of the pool - he steps into the pond and hears rattling, loud buzzing and magnetic humming - he screams from the pain of electromagnetic shock - Jack and Locke look down at the glow.]

DESMOND: Aah! Aah! Aah!

[His nose begins to bleed - he removes the elongated stone, which functions as a plug, with difficulty - loud buzzing and humming continues and then gradually fades.]


[The water drains from the pool into the center hole - the light goes dark - it is momentarily quiet - a loud rumbling comes from beneath the now-empty pool - a red hot glow filters in through the hole.]


LOCKE: It looks like...you were wrong... Goodbye, Jack.

[The ground briefly shakes violently - Locke leaves the cave - Jack follows and tackles Locke to the ground.]


[Jack punches Locke - Locke is shocked to realize his mouth is bleeding.]

JACK: [smiling] Looks like you were wrong, too.

[Jack chokes Locke, who defends himself by hitting Jack in the head with a stone - Locke runs off with his backpack in hand.]

Act 8

[Flash sideways - Claire is backstage and comes upon a man - Kate catches up to her.]

CLAIRE: Oh, hello. Hello? [to man] Hi, uh, do you know where the bathroom is? [Claire is bent over with pain] Umm. Oh.

KATE: [to man] Uh, can you please get a doctor?

[The man leaves.]

KATE: [to Claire] Small world, huh?

CLAIRE: Yeah, well, what are you doing--mm! Oh!

KATE: [grabs Claire] Oh! Okay. Okay. It's okay. Come on. Sit down.

CLAIRE: Um, I-I think he's coming.

[While the band and Daniel play, Eloise joins Desmond at his table.]

ELOISE: I thought I made it clear that you were to stop this.

DESMOND: Perfectly clear. I chose to ignore you.

ELOISE: And once they know...what then?

DESMOND: We're leaving.

ELOISE: Are you going to take my son?

DESMOND: Not with me...no.

[Back inside, Claire is in labor.]


KATE: Just breathe, okay? Just breathe, breathe, breathe. Help is on the way.

CLAIRE: Mnh-mnh! It's hap--it's happening. Like--like, right now.

[Charlie joins them.]

KATE: Right now... Um. Okay. I'm...I'm gonna get you comfortable. I want you to relax and breathe, all right? Just relax and breathe.

CLAIRE: Who are you?

CHARLIE: I'm with the band.


KATE: [to Charlie] Listen, can you get us some water and blankets, please?

CHARLIE: Water and blankets?

KATE: Yeah. [Charlie leaves] All right. Uh...this is about the time when you're supposed to start pushing

CLAIRE: I'm not ready. I'm really scared.

KATE: I'm scared too, all right? Really scared. But I'm gonna need you to push because I can't do it without you. Okay? Okay? One, two, three. Push! [Claire grunts as she pushes] Good, that's good. Okay, we’re gonna try again. You’re doin' good. One, two, three. Push!

[Low magnetic zap - Kate has Island memory flashes of assisting Claire with Aaron's birth.]

KATE: Push, push again.

[Low magnetic zap - Kate delivers the baby - Claire has the same memory flashes when Kate hands her the baby.]


[Low magnetic zap - Island timeline birth scenes are interspersed with sideways timeline birth scenes - baby cries.]

CLAIRE: Shh... It's Aaron. It's...

[Kate and Claire are sobbing and laughing when Charlie rejoins them with blankets.]

CHARLIE: I brought a blanket.

[Kate and Claire realize who Charlie is.]

KATE: Thank you.

CHARLIE: It's just a blanket.

KATE: Then go ahead and bring it to her.

CHARLIE: Couldn't find any water.

[Low magnetic zapping - Claire grasps Charlie's hand causing Island memory flashes.]

CLAIRE: Charlie.

CHARLIE: Claire? Claire.

[They kiss - Aaron cries.]

CHARLIE: Hi, Aaron. Hey. Shh. It's okay... Hey, Aaron.

[Desmond stands near Kate.]

DESMOND: Do you understand?

KATE: So now what?

[On-Island - in a thunder storm and a continuous series of earthquakes, a tree splinters and crashes toward Hurley.]

BEN: Hugo, get out the way!

[Ben is pinned after pushing Hurley out of the way.]

BEN: Ohh!

[Jack regains consciousness and reenters the cave.]

JACK: Desmond! [he pulls on the untethered rope] Desmond!

[After looking around outside the cave, Jack purposefully trots off.]

KATE: [to Ben] We're gonna get you out of here, all right?

[Hurley, Kate and Sawyer attempt to free Ben.]

SAWYER: It's too damn heavy. There's no way we're gettin' it off him.

HURLEY: We have to try.

KATE: One...two...three!

[Another earthquake.]

KATE: What is happening?

SAWYER: I'll tell you what's happening! Locke was right! This Island's goin' down!

[Walkie-talkie sounds.]

MILES: Linus, come in! Linus, come in! Linus, come in! Come in!

KATE: Miles. Is that you?

MILES: Yeah. What the hell is happening?

KATE: Are you with Claire?

MILES: She's here, but she doesn't want to come with us.

KATE: Come with you where?

MILES: Lapidus is working on the plane right now. Then we’re taking off... Hey, how much longer 'til we get this thing in the air?

LAPIDUS: I still have to check the electrical and the hydraulics. Five hours, maybe six.

RICHARD: You've got maybe one.

MILES: Get your asses over here! We're leaving in an hour!

SAWYER: Son of a bitch! How the hell are we supposed to get over there?

BEN: I know how we can get there! Locke has a boat.

[Locke has arrived at the cliff side where the Elizabeth is anchored just off shore.]


[Jack has reached the cliff side. Locke draws his knife, and the two run at each other, with Jack raising his fist to strike him.]